New Home Builders Plan
Free Listing Tools

Realty Listing Service provides licensed builders with free technology tools to control their new home inventory online. Realty Listing Service has eliminated all listing side fees.

Realty Listing Service allows New Home Builders access through our database to remotely Add Listings and Modify Listings in the Local Real Estate MLS Database. Through one source you can Add New Listings, Modify Existing Listings, Upload Photo, Plats, and Floor Plans and link to Virtual Tours and Community/Builder Website. Let the MLS market your home to the thousands of members of the local real estate associations. The Local MLS Database is the most powerful marketing tool available to sell your inventory. You can list your property in about 30 minutes and save time and commissions.

Class A licensed contractors may list their new home listings on for a total brokerage commission of 3% of the Sales Price or Base Price. We offer a full 3% commission to cooperating brokers. This means, if through the exposure of the local MLS another cooperating real estate company sells your listing, we will pay that company 3% out of the 3% total commission. The builder still retains the right to sell their inventory with no commission if an agent is not involved in the transaction. Realty Listing Service charges no transaction, processing, or document preparation fees. Photos, floor plans, site plans and virtual tours can be upload and displayed on Realty Listing Service and the local MLS for free, including See How it Works.

License documentation is required. The New Home Builder Plan is only available to the original licensed builder of the property. Home Builders are required to maintain their own listings and keep the property listings current.